My early personal use of LLMs and generative AI have proven frustrating for the actual benefits to my business and lifestyle, similar to the conclusions of the Goldman Sachs research team (see link below). However, there is no question that the power of these tools is enormous; therefore, I remain totally convinced that the ongoing efforts and training that I am committing to with my team will prove to be a game changer, as both Bill Gates (see link below) and now Vinod Khosla have clearly outlined.
Khosla reflects:
For four decades, I’ve devoted myself to and studied disruptive innovation. I started with the microprocessor, a seismic shift that gave rise to two key developments: the distributed computing pioneered by Sun Microsystems, of which I was a co-founder, and the personal computer. Then, in 1996, the browser emerged, marking another epochal shift. I was part of the team that invested in Netscape, the first important browser, and incubated Juniper, laying the groundwork for the fundamental TCP/IP backbone of the internet—a technology that many major telecommunications companies had cavalierly dismissed. This was the dawn of the internet revolution, during which we made strategic investments in nascent giants like Amazon and Google. The profound impact of the internet revolution speaks for itself. Then, in 2007, came the iPhone, and with it, the mobile platform era. Each new platform allowed large applications innovation and an explosion of new ideas.