Congratulations to Girls Who Invest founder Seema Hingorani, CEO Katherine Jollon Colsher, and Board members Bal Das, Myra Drucker, Perry Golkin, Betty Hung, Kim Lew, Anna Nikolayevsky, Larry Schloss, Candice Stack, and Bilge Yilmaz on securing funding to expand its summer program and support alumnae. It’s rewarding to see this innovative organization meaningfully moving the needle on diversity and inclusion in the investment industry.
“This summer, its eighth, Girls Who Invest will include 550 women in both onsite and online versions of the program. So far, about 2,000 women and nonbinary people have gone through the program; 69% of them are people of color…”
“With 70% of its alumnae continuing in financial careers, the organization is extending its mission to support women in early and mid-career, said CEO Katherine Jollon Colsher. And the alumnae are starting to comprise a wedge of like-minded women who advocate for each other and for other women at their workplaces, she said.” By Joanne Cleaver