Thought Leadership Resources

We have curated a collection of blogs and news items that we found important to the Asset & Wealth Management business.

Reset Work: What Research Says About How to Make Hybrid Work Succeed

Great advice from Professor Nicholas Bloom of SIEPR on the emerging hybrid work organization. His…

JUST Capital: Corporate America, If You Want to Honor Your Commitment to Racial Equity, Now Is the Time to Embrace Transparency

Congratulations to Yusuf George with JUST Capital for his thoughtful commentary on this essential…

The New York Times: Companies Can’t Stop Overworking

The training and development of leaders and staff to get the most out of the evolving hybrid work…

AIMA: Global Hedge Fund Benchmark Study 2021 | Beyond the Horizon

All of our clients are raising the bar on expectations for technology investments in their…

The New York Times: Child Care in Crisis | Can Biden’s Plan Save It?

In support of the diverse cohort groups in middle management in the asset and wealth management…

Bloomberg: IBM Sees 80% of Employees Working in Hybrid Roles After Pandemic

IBM has long been at the forefront of creative and effective hybrid work programs, and they are…

Institutional Investor: What a ‘Superior’ Hedge Fund Team Looks Like

As we laid out in our April blog, 'Asset owners have been active in the first half of the year,…

Chief Investment Officer: Shundrawn Thomas Discusses His Push for Diversity, Empathy

"The president of Northern Trust Asset Management has written several open letters about the…

Business Insider: TIAA’s HR chief shares the thinking behind its new hybrid work model that sorts employees into 4 categories of flexibility

Great to see a firm of TIAA's scale leading the way on a thoughtful and flexible approach to hybrid…

Ignites: Shops Aim to Improve Diversity by Tweaking Recruiting

"By supporting diverse organizations, senior leaders can increase both engagement and retention…

Ignites: TIAA Preps for Permanent Hybrid Workforce

“We’re competing for talent beyond our industry… We think this [hybrid-workforce strategy] is a…

Harvard Business Review: Our Work-from-Anywhere Future

The pandemic has hastened a rise in remote working for knowledge-based organizations. This has…