Thought Leadership Resources

We have curated a collection of blogs and news items that we found important to the Asset & Wealth Management business.

Mutual Fund Directors Forum Conference of Fund Leaders: “Board Diversity — Facing the Barriers” (Panel)

It was rewarding to moderate the “Board Diversity — Facing the Barriers” panel at the Mutual Fund…

Ignites: Pandemic Widens Gap Between Industry Winners, Losers

Great reporting by Beagan Wilcox Volz with Ignites on this continuing trend of divergence between…

Institutional Investor: Public Asset Managers Just Had Their Best Quarter Ever. But It Wasn’t All Good News.

As we laid out in our April blog, 'Asset owners have been active in the first half of the year,…

Institutional Investor: The Giant Schism in Asset Management Paychecks

Institutional Investor presents a wonderful article from 2015 on a topic that is still critical to…

American Century Investments: 10 Steps Toward Effective ESG Integration

Great thought leadership from Guillaume Mascotto on an important topic to the future of the asset…

Institutional Investor: David Blood and Al Gore Want to Reach the Next Generation

Institutional Investor presents a wonderful article from 2015 on a topic that is still critical to…

The New York Times | Paid Time Off, Free Fries: How Corporate America Is Getting Out the Vote

With one week left until Election Day it is not too late to make a difference! We urge all of our…

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board: 2020 SASB Symposium

Great to see SASB under CEO Janine Guillot making a splash with two of the most sought after…

Institutional Investor: Everyone Wants to Buy a Boutique Asset Manager. If They All Do It, There Goes the Alpha.

Great reporting by Julie Segal about a tough issue facing the investment business. Our Q4 blog…

Toigo Foundation | Uncharted: The Power of Possibility

What a powerful evening! So glad to join so many of my friends and clients who are part of, or…

Institutional Investor: The Biggest Winners-And Losers-In the Asset Management Money Race

The divide in performance in the investment management business continues to be stark. This…

Institutional Investor: Behind the Hewlett Foundation’s Top-Decile Returns

Great insights from Ana Marshall for Institutional Investor as their editors give these topics a…