Thought Leadership Resources

We have curated a collection of blogs and news items that we found important to the Asset & Wealth Management business.

FundFire Alternatives: Hedge Funds Urged to Prepare for a Non-Compete Clause Ban

A pending rule change may not survive court challenges, but managers must be ready for a range of…

Pensions & Investments: Vanguard Watchers Expect Incremental Change, Not Revolution, Under New CEO Salim Ramji

Congratulations to Salim Ramji, Vanguard's incoming CEO! We view Ramji's recruitment as "in line…

FundFire: What Does it Take to Be an Asset Management CEO?

The skills of successful CEO candidates have shifted. Tech-savvy candidates with experience on…

FundFire: Changing of the Guard — CEO Succession Sped Up in 2023

The race to the top ended in October at Morgan Stanley with the appointment of Ted Pick to replace…

FundFire: Is the Industry Facing the Death of the Institutional Sales Role?

A shrinking institutional asset management market and the industry’s embrace of alternatives has…

FundFire Alts: Not a Single Female CEO, But Private Fund Managers Make C-Suite Moves

Great reporting by Tom Stabile and the team at FundFire Alts on women in leadership roles at…

Ignites: Industry Employees Are Dissatisfied with DEI Initiatives

This Nicsa / EY survey provides valuable insights at a fairly granular level for progress that the…

Ignites: Sabbaticals Swell in Popularity After Pandemic

Though sabbaticals were historically limited to the not-for-profit world, the demands of Gen X and…

Ignites: Tighten Your Timeline — How to Prep Future Leaders

Succession planning has probably been the most talked about subject with our clients on a regular…

FundFire: Traditional Interview Methods Won’t Work with All Neurodiverse Talent — CEO

Great reporting by Bridget Hickey in this interview with industry pioneer Cynthia DiBartolo, Esq.,…

Wilbanks Partners Takeaways from the NASP Financial Services Conference

Great to be part of the conversation on DEI with the opening panel of day two of the National…

II US Institute CEO Roundtable: Leadership Gauntlet — Succession Planning During Comp Crunch (Panel)

Many thanks to the team at the Institutional Investor US Institute, especially Jim McCaughan and…