We’ll be closing our office on Monday, June 19, 2023, in recognition of the Juneteenth federal holiday. As we contemplate the meaning of the establishment of Juneteenth, we recall the convulsions American society went through, including the Civil War’s 1.5 million casualties, in pursuit of equality and democracy. It is equally important to consider the persistence of discrimination in our society today and what a long road still lies ahead of us.
On Monday, take a moment to reflect on the pain, suffering, and unretrievable loss endured by generations of slaves and those that pursued justice on their behalf. But also be joyful and celebrate the progress we achieved together, making America the global destination for people of the world seeking freedom and opportunity. Put those emotions to use as an energizer to continue the struggle in your everyday life, speaking out against injustice at every opportunity, particularly when it seems most awkward or difficult.