So many of my clients, candidates, and friends have shared their Hispanic cultural heritage with me over the years that it feels almost second nature to be learning Spanish and immersed in Hispanic culture in Southern California where we live now part of the year to be near our family. Again this year, we want to encourage all our colleagues during Hispanic Heritage Month to slow down a little and talk with our friends whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, The Caribbean, and Central and South America and learn about their unique experiences living in the US. As part of a US community of over 60 million people, it is a mainstream part of American culture now that warrants attention, education, friendship, and respect.

There are so many wonderful resources to learn from, but none will provide as rich an experience as sitting down with a Hispanic colleague and learning more about the unique culture they grew up in and what parts are still an important part of their lives today.

We found the following resources to be particularly useful background to start a journey of learning because they reflect a constant update of content.

Pause, reflect, and engage. You will live a richer life as a result!

Visit the official US site for National Hispanic Heritage MonthExplore offerings from the Smithsonian