2018 Mid-Year Report: Specialized Recruiting Demand Off to a Fast Start
The strong upward compensation trends that finished off 2017 led to an…
2017 Year End Update: Compensation Disappointments Expected
After spending time with clients this fall, we came to the conclusion that many…
Wilbanks Partners Commentary: 2017 Compensation Expectations — Dangerous Conflicting Signals
After spending time with clients this fall, we came to the conclusion that many…
Wilbanks Partners Commentary: Leadership Transitions — Accelerating the Pace of Change
Firms appear to be willing to take greater risks to accelerate the pace of…
Business Update: First Half 2017 — Market of Contrasts
As most of our clients started 2017 with a zero base budget assumption on the…
Wilbanks Partners Commentary: Asset Managers Return to Marketing Basics in Pursuit of Innovation
As traditional sales channels in both retail and institutional continue to move…
2016 Year End Update: Slowing Growth Rates & Strategic Uncertainty Still Dominant Factors
Reduced bonus accruals across most of the industry and cautious, if not “zero…
Wilbanks Partners Commentary: The Direct Retail Channel — High Potential for Future Growth
Innovative new initiatives in retail distribution with several of our clients…
Wilbanks Partners Commentary: Building a Diverse Workforce in the Investment Business
George Wilbanks’ expanded notes on his presentation to the SIFMA Asset…
Mid-Year 2016 Market Update: February Market Volatility Drives a More Conservative Hiring and Compensation Attitude Across the Industry
As a result of slower rates of growth, uncertain markets, and increasing…