Ignites: Shops Aim to Improve Diversity by Tweaking Recruiting

“By supporting diverse organizations, senior leaders can increase both…

Chevy Chase Trust: Jeff Whitaker Hired As New President and CEO

Congratulations to Jeff Whitaker. He steps into a great firm, testament to the…

Mutual Fund Directors Forum Conference of Fund Leaders: "Board Diversity — Facing the Barriers" (Panel)

It was rewarding to moderate the “Board Diversity — Facing the Barriers” panel…

Institutional Investor: The Giant Schism in Asset Management Paychecks

Thanks to Julie Segal with Institutional Investor for recognizing our…

Chevy Chase Trust: Jessica Frommer Joins Firm As Client Services Manager

Congratulations to our successful candidate, Jessica Frommer, as she joins…

PR Newswire: Sara Sikes Joins Altrinsic Global Advisors as Head of Client Experience

We are thrilled to see Sara Sikes join Altrinsic Global Advisors in a…

Ignites | Building the Pipeline: Shops Seek to Draw More Diverse Interns

We are so proud to support these innovative solutions which broaden the…

Board IQ: Board Diversity Still a Priority, but Numbers Stay the Same

“Diversity has shifted from a philanthropic discussion about ‘it’s the right…

Ignites | Hiring and Firing: How Covid-19 Compares to Financial Crisis, Dot-Com Bust

“Fund industry head count has progressively increased over the last…

Ignites: Despite Layoffs, Industry Head Count Swelled 3% Last Year

“They’re consistently announcing layoffs of portfolio managers and multiple…