Thought Leadership Resources

We have curated a collection of blogs and news items that we found important to the Asset & Wealth Management business.

Investment Company Institute: 2022 ICI Investment Management Conference

It was great to be back in person at the Investment Company Institute's Investment Management…

The Latimer Group | Creating a Culture: Best Practices for Strong Virtual Communication

“In remote or hybrid environments, communication must be intentional: we can no longer rely on…

Forbes: The Secret To Better Meetings

“A bad meeting can be expensive. Think about how much each person in the room gets paid by the…

Ignites | Fidelity to Add 12,000+ Jobs

“We know that people are looking for flexibility, variety and the freedom to explore areas of…

Bloomberg | Workers Are Winning the Return-to-Office War Because They’re Right

“The real reason why people don’t want to go back to the office full time is that they don’t see…

Harvard Law School: Ten Questions to Ask Before Joining a Public Company Board of Directors

As part of all our board recruiting work, frank conversations with both management and independent…

Wall Street Journal | The Green Rush: Blackstone’s New ESG Leaders Aim to Refresh Its ESG Strategies

It is fitting to see one of the most innovative and successful private equity firms move to the…

Institutional Investor: Asset Management Employees Saw Bigger Numbers on their Paychecks in 2021. Don’t Look for a Repeat This Year.

Complex issues to be dealt with by the industry in the coming months. Great reporting by Jessica…

Ignites | 7 Shops, 7 Takes on Hybrid Work

Really good hard data on emerging hybrid work policies. All these seem to be well thought out and…

Bloomberg: Businessweek + Equality — How Greenwood Became the Most Hyped Startup in Black America

Complex issues to be dealt with by the industry in the coming months. Great reporting by Jessica…

Deloitte Insights: Ingraining Sustainability in the Next Era of ESG Investing

Fantastic to see some hard data about the developing landscape of sustainable investing frameworks.…

Ignites | Want a Peek at State Street’s New HQ? Make a Reservation

"The new HQ will be radically different from the old one, owing largely to design trends predating…